3 simple of your Outlook

The refreshed and ultra-polished Outlook.com is not only a revamped gift from the past, but is reportedly easier to maintain and neater like any other modern-day emailing service.

Outlook is full of intelligent features with a modern UI-style layout and social integration.

To keep the Outlook inbox well organized, users could simply schedule 'Sweep,' which helps in easy cleanup of the inbox as the feature automatically deletes messaged from specific senders or sends them to a different folder, PC World reports.

1. Another way that Microsoft has incorporated to give Gmail a run for its money is introducing OneDrive integration for Outlook.

2. Users don't need to worry about sending large attachments as they can simply send a link of their OneDrive documents to their contacts.

3. One could also change the way their inbox appears by categorizing emails into several predetermined types, akin to Gmail's recently launched feature, into unread messages, messages from contacts, groups, newsletters, or social updates.
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